兒童安全法例 (in English version only)

1. 关于校园安全的新规定
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2. 儿童安全自我审核申报表
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Child Safe Standards resources are available at this link  www.vrqa.vic.gov.au/childsafe

The Victorian Government now requires all community language schools which have direct contact with children to implement the Child Safe standards by 1st January, 2017.

Child Safe standards aim to prevent any physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect of children.

Our school Principal, Yali SHAO is the nominated “Child Safe Officer” together with our School Council and Director of Studies, Philip CHUI have the responsibility to implement policies and required procedures for our school to achieve these standards.

We will provide the support needed to assist you to meet these standards and develop a child safe policy for our school.

If you need future information, please contact our Child Safe officer, Yali SHAO on 0435 867 188.

